My Experience With Endeavour OS

Thursday, September 10, 2020

A few weeks ago, i decided to install Endeavour OS, an Arch Linux based distro, on my laptop. I was bored of Kubuntu, and it had issues with my CPU since it was not well supported by the LTS kernel. In general, i also prefer getting updates faster. All of this made me want to switch to a rolling release distro.

The first distro that i tried to install was Manjaro, it was everything i wanted, however, the installer would freeze, something that holded me back from trying it (it did work on a VM). Someone then told me about Endeavour OS, and how good it is. I immediately installed it on my computer.

The installer of Endeavour OS is very easy, it’s using calamares and you have the choice to do an online install or an offline install. The online install lets you choose between multiple DEs (Desktop Environments) and WMs (Window Managers).

I chose KDE Plasma for the DE, and i customized it a little bit. I also added a few programs that i need, such as Brave, OBS, VSCode, and DroidCam.

Here is how my desktop looks like

Endeavour OS with KDE Plasma slightly customized

For me, the experience was more stable than with Kubuntu, and i did have some bugs, but not as bad as Kubuntu, and i could resolve all of them. I recommend Endeavour OS if you want to have a rolling release distro that is easy to install. The amazing thing about Endeavour OS is that it has the power of Arch Linux, but without the hard installer.

I hope you liked my “review”, thanks for reading this. Here is the link for the Endeavour OS website, it’s worth checking out:


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